Rate of Fatal Injury Declines, Lowest Since Database Inception

Rate of Fatal Injury Declines, Lowest Since Database Inception

The rate of fatal injury in Thoroughbreds (per 1000 starts) declined from 1.53 in 2019 to 1.41 in 2020, a decrease of 7.8% and a number which represents the lowest rate of equine fatalities since data has been collected in the Equine Injury Database (EID) in 2009. The rate of fatal injury, which was 2.0 per 1000 starts in that first year, has dropped by 29.5% during that 12 year period. Based on the data collected in 2020, fully 99.86% of racing on the flat from tracks that participate in the EID were completed without a fatality. Over the course of calendar year 2020, roughly 99.7% of all Thoroughbred starts were included in the EID.


